"I have a need, a need for speed", "talk to me Goose", "That's right, Iceman. I am dangerous".
How many times have we all seen Top Gun and somehow we always come back to this classic.
Why? Simple, because of Maverick. He is full of energy, daring, impudent and of course very dashing.
Just like with Tom Cruise, it is just impossible not to fall in love with your fluffy version of Maverick who
has his 80s groove on.
Maverick is very big boy and probably the fluffiest one that we had since our cattery started.
He is very social, active and definitely can not leave you indifferent.
Color: Blue Spotted Tabby (SIB a 24)
Id chip, vaccinated & SVERAK registered
Mom - Ch., SE*Silver Frost Afina
Dad - IT*Matiblue Braveheart
d.o.b. - 19 September 2023