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Enisey Kuz'kin Dom
How we found Enisey
When Nicole turned two years old we started to look for a mating partner. First we were looking in Sweden, but all attempts didn't give the result. We started to suspect that Nicole has some issues with fertility. Nevertheless, before giving up we decided to make the last attempt in Moscow and Enisey (WCF Champion) was recommended by the breeder who helped us to find Nicole. They (Nicole and Enisey) really liked each other and enjoyed been together. It was very unusual (according to Enisey' owner) that Nicole felt quite at home and established good relations with Enisey owner's family. Three weeks later I couldn't believe my ears when a veterinarian told me that we expect at least 4 kittens. Bravo Enisey!

Charodey Danvel (father)
International Champion (WCF)
Esenia Zhemchug Nevy (mother)
European Champion (WCF)

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